Live blogging was interrupted tonight by the downtime of We’re back and rolling now.

1st Quarter –

  • Less than 20 seconds into the game and an official tripped and fell down. Either that or a “magic bullet” got him from the grassy knoll. Either way, he’s fine.
  • Kobe just put in a shot that was CRAZY.
  • Ray Allen is on the board already with a field goal. Don’t let him get hot.
  • When the Celtics want to play “D” there is no better team in the league at it.
  • How about “the truth” (Paul Pierce) sucker punching the ref with his celebration fist pump?
  • Sheed was in the game less than a minute and picked up two fouls. Somewhere Dean Smith just turned the TV off.
  • has been down so live blogging hasn’t been live or blogging…
  • End of 1st Quarter – Lakers 16, Celtics 19

2nd Quarter –

  • Looks like we might have us a “barn burner” here tonight. Close game.
  • Why would you double team Ron Artest? Honestly.
  • I’m not sure if this has been a good defensive game or a bad pickup game.
  • Three fouls on ‘Sheed. Strong performance. Getting his moneys worth I guess.
  • Wow. Rondo 4 for 15 from the free throw line. He’s in Shaq territory now.
  • Uh oh….Kobe’s heating up again. Legend…
  • We just had our first Roger Murdock (Kareem) sighting at the 2:06 mark of the 2nd quarter.
  • No report yet if Captain Oveur or “Joey” are in the house too.
  • “The Truth” is that Paul Pierce should NEVER lead a fast break. That was like Upwards basketball…
  • The best part about the first half is that it’s now over.
  • End of 2nd quarter – Lakers 45, Celtics 42

3rd Quarter –

  • Start of the 2nd half. Let’s light this candle!
  • No Bynum here for Lakers. Must be nice to have Khloe Kardashian’s husband off the bench.
  • In my dreams I have calves like Ray Allen. In reality I have calves like Glenn Davis.
  • Perkins just contributed a nice chunk to my “Celtic Cuss Jar”
  • Has Adam Morrison played one game in the NBA yet?
  • Gettin’ Chippy in the Gah Den
  • The shot Fisher just put in will be on Youtube in 3, 2, 1…. It was wicked crazy (in a Boston accent)
  • Celtics up by one. Time to go to Vujacic? Um…okay.
  • They say Perkins is a great guy off the court. All I know is that on it, he’s a bit of a tool.
  • Was Rick Berry wearing a velour running suit in that T-Mobile commercial?
  • Big minutes there from Vujacic. At least commit a foul and get in the books next time dude.
  • Sheed back in the game (Whistle), Four fouls now on Rasheed. I’m not making this up.
  • Kobe’s locked in. Needs to go Keyshawn now….GIVE HIM THE BALL!!!
  • I’ve seen it all. Two three second calls in one game. WOW. Can we get a traveling too?
  • End of the 3rd Quarter – Lakers 62, Celtics 60

4th Quarter –

  • This one’s going to go the distance. My game 3 prediction of Kobe hitting the game winner might have been one game too soon.
  • You know, when I started this live blog with a photo of Big Baby, I never imagined he would be the difference maker in the game.
  • Good to see former Duke Blue Devil getting significant minutes….on the bench.
  • Ray-Ray found got his groove back for game 4.
  • Could have done without Big Baby going “Turner and Hooch”  and slobbering in front of the camera there. What was that?!?!?
  • Another healthy contribution to my “Celtic Cuss Jar” courtesy of Glenn Davis.
  • Another foul on ‘Sheed. Add a technical and I’m going to need a bigger “Celtic Cuss Jar”.
  • Is Ray Allen the only one with a level head on the court for the Celtics right now? You’re up 9 and getting techs. Unbelievable.
  • Lakers need to make the technicals for it to matter though. Thus far they have not.
  • Time to go to Vujacic again. Lakers down 9.
  • Slipping away from LA. Kobe prediction in jeopardy.
  • Why is Kobe just now getting the ball when game is all but over?
  • That should just about do it. Horrible call there. Bryant was set.
  • Or they could foul Kobe shooting a 3 so he gets to score with no time off the clock…
  • Rondo steals the ball…ballgame.
  • Celtics bench was the difference tonight. This thing could go 7. Not sure I can live blog 7 but I’m also pretty sure no one is reading anyway…
  • Final Score – Lakers 89, Celtics 96