I sit here this evening still surprised that the Capital City Half Marathon is now over and I actually did it. Who knew back in September that a run around the block with my good friend “D-Rich” would lead to 13.1 miles of complete satisfaction and fun. I had a blast doing this run early this morning with 4221 other people. Great fun. First off, the numbers:

Placed: 1325 out of 4221

Time: 1:56:28

Pace: 8:54

Now for the commentary. The day was perfect and the weather was cool but great to run in. We got off to a good start and I maintained the pace pretty much the entire race. One thing that I am sure of is that my iPod is completely off in terms of milage. The good news is that it is on the high side. The mile markers were coming up faster than I ever dreamed they would. It was a pleasant surprise. I did my best to budget my energy so I would have enough to finish strong. If I had it to do over, I would have pushed a little harder but it worked out fine. I can’t begin to express in words what a joy this was to do. I had great fun and soaked up the entire experience.

In the art of full disclosure, something happened with my emotions between miles 1 and 2. For some unknown reason, I had tears in my eyes. The song “Aware” by Salvador was playing on my iPod and I was overcome with a release of sorts. I think it was a combination of the post below and the magnitude of the moment. I kept thinking “what is this all about”. I quickly got through it, but it was a wonderful moment of beautiful chaos and emptying of myself. I’ll never forget it.

Special thank you to my friend “D-Rich” for the push I needed to get moving. Thank you to my wife and my rock for believing and partnering with me on the training journey. Thanks to my sister, my nephews Aaron, Ian and Nathan and my niece Taylor for being there to support and cheer us home. You never want to take these moments for granted and believe me when I say that I won’t. Here are some random shots from race day.

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more about “1/2 Marathon“, posted with vodpod