I received this email over the weekend from a guy that I consider one of my closest friends. His story and his heart for this ministry in Casa Luz is simply amazing. It is an honor for me to call him “friend”. Please see this email below and consider how you can help Jeff and his wonderful family.


So many of you have contributed to help Casa Luz over the years and we appreciate it soooooo much!
Christmas is coming and we are hoping to send money next week that Casa Luz can use to provide a Christmas for the children.  If you would like to be a part of this opportunity to help provide a gift and a Christmas celebration for the children it would be greatly appreciated.  There are aproximately 52 kids in the orphanage, many of which will be hearing the Christmas story for the first time and receiving a present with your help.
All throughout the year, but never more so than at christmas time, our involvement with Casa Luz is a constant reminder of the many blessings in our lives and the real life reality that many don’t have them.  Many don’t have a family nor the extra things that will be under our tree with our names on them.  Will you please consider helping a child with no family to feel the warmth of a gift with their name on it? 
If you plan to make a donation please respond to this email so I don’t send the wire before receiving your gift.  You can make checks payable to “VDAF.”  This stands for Vasija De Amor Foundation and is the non profit entity that Lori and I run so that donations can be tax deductible. Please email for our mailing address.
Thank you so much and Merry Christmas!
Jeff and Lori Korbini