Random Friday

It’s October 19th, in Ohio and 70 degrees outside…in Ohio! Big weekend for the scrapbooking community at our church. The special guest speaker is none other than my sister! I’m not proud of her or anything. Big weekend in our household too. My wife...

Random Randomness

Tomorrow is a first for me. Toto and I are flying out VERY early to Kansas. I’ve never been there, so that would make it a first. Just a quick presentation at Kansas Speedway, a quick click of the heels and return to Ohio. I’m hoping to finally make some...

Friday Randomness

Oh Lebron! Oh the humanity! How dare you wear a Yankee cap in the Indians crib? How can you ever show your face in Cleveland again after wearing a rival teams hat? This is all tongue in cheek folks. Seriously, where is it written that Lebron has to cheer for the...

I Wanna Go Back!

To quote the great philosopher “Uncle Ricco” from Napoleon Dynamite, “don’t you wish you had a time machine”? Thanks to the Mudpuppy I have spent the entire week listening to 80’s music on XM, Yahoo and my iTunes. I hate to admit...

On Second Thought

Writing for two blogs is just too much for me to keep up with. With that in mind, the regulars of this blog are going to have to bear with me at times if I post something that is COMPLETELY different then the norm. Maybe it will give even further insight into this...