Walking the Walk…

“You can say what you think, but you will live what you believe” – Mark Hall I witnessed something today that still has me reflecting on it. Simply put, I witnessed two friends “walking the walk” in their lives. They probably don’t...

Lyric of the Year….

I’ll be posting some of the “Best of 2007” stuff next week, but driving home from Cleveland tonight, I heard this song and thought it couldn’t wait. I think we see a lot of this kind of talk this time of year. I wondered as I drove if this is...

Time Tested

Somewhere in my jedi training, I stumbled across a list of “life” things to remember. I can’t remember where I found it, but it was sometime around my senior year in college. I printed it off and made it somewhat of a creed for myself. Since then, it...

Heaven Help Us

I debated if I should post this or not, but I know that several of you have small children. I stumbled across this for the first time last week. After following some links, I couldn’t believe what I was reading. It is chilling, unbelievable and really leaves you...