Blog Year in Review – Last 4 Months

I’m not going to lie and I have no other excuses…I’m too lazy to go through all of the posts for the last three months of 2010. So, if anyone is even interested, you can review all of the posts from September, October, November and December by...


You know all of those sports movies where a guy takes the last free throw to win or lose the game? The ball bounces in slow motion and just seems to sit on the front of the rim.Well, this isn’t a movie and no matter how many times I have watched it, I’m...

From My Family To Yours

Several years ago, we looked at the rising cost of sending out a Christmas card each year and decided to make a change. Much of this was driven by the realization that as little as $2 can give someone a warm meal on Christmas Day. We added up our annual spend on...

Blog Year In Review – August

A majority of the posts in August were dedicated to the continuation of my series on 1 Corinthians 13. It was a great journey for me as I took time to break apart each section of “The Love Chapter” and really ask myself if I know how to love. I also was...