The Good Word

I once heard it said that you should read 5 Psalms and 1 Proverb each day. I am trying to make that a habit each morning now before starting the day. On Saturday morning, I read the one below and found it so rich with instruction. I had to share. Psalm 15 1 LORD, who...

Directory Assistance

When – You are sad, phone John 14 You have sinned, phone Psalm 51 You are facing danger, phone Psalm 91 People have failed you, phone Psalm 27 It feels as though God is far from you, phone Psalm 139 Your faith needs stimulation, phone Hebrews 11 You are alone...

Jumping to Conclusions

This morning I was reading the same story I have heard and read so many times about the blind man that is healed by Jesus in John 9. There was something that really stood out to me this time around. In verses 1-2 an interesting conversation takes place between Jesus...

Incredible Representation

Thanks to baddogmooney and Chris Harrison, we have an incredible visual representation of the cross references in the Bible. This is truly amazing (and I’m color blind!). For more information, visit (HERE)

Day 4 – What's In a Name?

Not a whole lot to pull out of to today’s text from Nehemiah. Or is there? One of the accounts I read noted that “…from Nehemiah’s careful record of personal names, we see a leader who noticed individuals; he knew their names and noted their...