You’re Beautiful

Yesterday I sat my 7 year old daughter on my lap and together we listened to this song. As the chorus rang out, I whispered the words into her ear. I wanted her to know that she is “Beautiful. She is sacred. She is treasured. She is His”. Why you ask?...

Has It Really Been That Long?

Amazing how time flies. Thanks to technology, we get to see the progression on film. Enjoy… The original – “Dance Like No One’s Watching” httpvhd:// “With You”...

Let That Pony Run

Tomorrow morning marks the start of another school year and the first time that all three of our children will be in school all day. I’m not going to lie this is one of my least favorite days of the year. Tonight we close out the summer and tomorrow morning...

Pomp and Circumstance

As odd as this may sound, this blog and my youngest child will always have an interesting connection. You see, I started this crazy thing over 5 years ago to keep family and friends informed about the upcoming birth of our child. So as she has grown, I like to hope...

Pomp and Circumstance

As odd as this may sound, this blog and my youngest child will always have an interesting connection. You see, I started this crazy thing over 5 years ago to keep family and friends informed about the upcoming birth of our child. So as she has grown, I like to hope...