Lone Survivor – Gulab’s Act of Honor

This is my third installment in the random reflections from the new film “Lone Survivor” but it might be the most important one. If I’m 100% honest, this is something I know nothing about. One of the main reasons I know nothing about this is because...

Lone Survivor – I Care About You

Today I am continuing my random reflections from the new film “Lone Survivor.” By now you’ve probably either seen the film or the trailers. At a critical moment in the story, the four Navy SEALs must decide what to do with the goat herders that have...

Ready To Punch That Time Card

After seeing “Lone Survivor” on Sunday, I have decided to do a series of posts with my random thoughts from the film. There’s just too much there to wrap up in one review. There is so much that was rich and powerful and important. There are so many...