Stuff My Dad Said

Stuff My Dad Said

Mark Price and I recently put out a request for people to share things that their dad use to say. We shared them on his most recent “Mark Price For 3” Podcast. The list was long and there were so many great responses. I thought I would share them all here....

Keepers of the Aquarium

We have drifted away from being fishers of men to being keepers of the aquarium. -Paul Harvey Your thoughts???

Where is your joy?

I’ve been struggling with joy lately. It would seem the daily grind, growing older, stress, situations and, well, “life” have made it feel like jumping into a roller coaster of emotions. Up and down, round and round. The hills are great, the valleys...

More McManus

This book (“Wide Awake”) is becomming one big book of life changing quotes. Love this book! “Take time to invest in the people who are in your life. Slow down if you have to, and bring them with you. It is better to adjust your pace than to walk...

“Wide Awake” Quotes

I have been reading the book “Wide Awake” by Erwin McManus recently. This is a great book. I have folded the corner of at least every other page (a signal that I liked something on that page) and underlined a majority of it. As an added bonus, I found out...