Remembering Stef

Many of the readers of my blog prayed, commented and supported my good friend Stefan Tarapchak throughout his journey with cancer. Through Stef’s blog, you now have the opportunity to remember Stef with resources from his funeral. I received many requests for a...

A Reason To Celebrate!

The service for our friend Stefan Tarapchak yesterday was wonderful. The choir and Allen Lowe did an incredible job of singing songs of praise and hope. I was so proud of Sandi as she delivered a memorial speech to Stef. While it was, at times difficult, this morning...

One Bright Hour

Friends, blog readers and to all of those that have been praying for our dear friend Stefan, please see Sandi’s post this morning. Romans 12:15 instructs us to “rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn”. At no moment in my life do I...

Prayer Requests

Inspired by my wife and with a little “push” by my good friend “D-Rich”, I recently started running jogging. Don’t tell either of them, but I am secretly enjoying it. My knees are not enjoying it nearly as much as my mind though. Anyone...


Many of you are praying for our friend Stef. Last night we had the priviledge of attending a very special prayer meeting with the choir at our church. The suggestion has been made that each day at 12:00 we stop whatever we are doing and say a prayer for our friend....