Tagged! 15 Albums

I got one of those meme or tags or whatever you call them recently on facebook from a friend. Since I don’t cruise facebook too often, I answered his meme in the comment but thought it was worth posting again here. Mainly because I’d love to hear yours as...

Tag..I'm it

Thanks to Hope at Hope Lounge, I got tagged for “7 things about myself”. Most of these probably won’t come as a shock to anyone that reads regularly. Here goes the first 7 things that come to mind… 1. I am color blind 2. I was born in...

Tag..I’m it

Thanks to Hope at Hope Lounge, I got tagged for “7 things about myself”. Most of these probably won’t come as a shock to anyone that reads regularly. Here goes the first 7 things that come to mind… 1. I am color blind 2. I was born in...

I Got Tagged – One Book

I got tagged by Mudpuppy 01. One book that changed your life “Wild at Heart” – I found out some things that I had put under heavy lock and key that needed to be dealt with. It’s taught me much about being a husband, father, man of God and...