Happy Birthday MudPuppy!

One of the many benefits of Facebook is the “heads up” of a pending birthday for any “friends”. Well I’ve been looking forward to this one all week. Today (Wednesday) is my good buddy “The MudPuppy’s” birthday. I...

Yearbook Yourself

For years, people who have met me A.H. (after hair) have asked, begged and even bribed to see pictures of me with hair. Well, thanks to the fine folks at yearbookyourself.com, now you can. I gotta be honest and say that a few of these were “spot on” actual...


The other day we were driving with the kiddies in the car. The soundtrack of the moment was 80’s music (I’ll give you one guess who picked that..and it wasn’t Heather). This song came on. While I was having flashbacks to the days of my “sweet...

80's Flashback: Howard Jones

This post is in reference to my “Quick Post” below regarding Howard Jones. The East side of Chicago and one toll booth worker heard a live, unplugged and seated karaoke version (by me) of this song yesterday. It was the encore performance to a very long...

80’s Flashback: Howard Jones

This post is in reference to my “Quick Post” below regarding Howard Jones. The East side of Chicago and one toll booth worker heard a live, unplugged and seated karaoke version (by me) of this song yesterday. It was the encore performance to a very long...