Don’t Know Where To Begin

On Friday night, my wife, “the boy” and I took the much anticipated journey to Dayton, Ohio for the Make A Difference Tour. Since first hearing about this tour way back in April, it has been on my radar as a “can’t miss event”. I am...

Has It Really Been That Long?

Amazing how time flies. Thanks to technology, we get to see the progression on film. Enjoy… The original – “Dance Like No One’s Watching” httpvhd:// “With You”...

What Are You Preparing For?

After recently completing the Columbus Half Marathon, the running calendar is now clear with no races on the horizon. Translation = I am not motivated to go for a run anymore. I have found that having another race on the calendar keeps me motivated to get out there 4...

Outside The Storm

This morning I was up and out the door by 4:30am for a flight to Philadelphia. As I drove to the airport, a local radio station talked about “winds topping 70 MPH” and severe thunderstorms. My first thought was of the items in our yard that would probably...

What Should I Do?

On the eve of the start of another NBA season, there are mixed emotions. As a lifelong Cleveland Cavalier fan (and native Clevelander), I view this upcoming season with mixed emotions. I love basketball. Over the years, I have loved the NBA less and less. It’s...