On the eve of the start of another NBA season, there are mixed emotions. As a lifelong Cleveland Cavalier fan (and native Clevelander), I view this upcoming season with mixed emotions. I love basketball. Over the years, I have loved the NBA less and less. It’s not the same anymore. College hoops are so much more pure and enjoyable. But I still watch the NBA. For the last 7 years, we Cleveland fans have had arguably the best player in the NBA to watch night after night. We grew used to it. We were….spoiled.

I have never had a problem that Lebron decided to do what free agents do and leave. He earned the right and he followed the rules of free agency. Like many others, it was the WAY he did it. To be honest, I’m even over that mess. What has bothered me since “the decision” is the complete nonsense that continues to come out of Camp Lebron. The latest chapter in this crazy story dropped today with the new Nike commercial simply called “Rise”. Clearly the suits at Nike sat down with Lebron and are putting the full court press on a PR campaign.

I’m not buying it….or his shoes.

Nike have always been on the edge and like to push the envelope of marketing. It’s the Madonna rule that says “even bad marketing is good marketing”. They are getting their share of the Lebron mess while trying to clean up the damage he’s done since “the decision”. If he was really asking me what he should do, I’d probably say…it’s a little late for that now.

Your Thoughts???