Have you ever been shaken? I’m not talking about picked up and shaken, but rather taken from your comfort zone and life and into the lives of someone less fortunate? While the experience can be uncomfortable, it can also be the source of everything that Jesus taught us. It is a reminder to “Go and Do“.

Enter “The Manger

The Manger is a Christmas gift store for needy families in Northwest Columbus.  Its purpose is to help ease the burden of gift giving by allowing parents to shop for their families at greatly reduced prices.  $2 buys three gifts for each family member, so for $8 a family of four can have wrapped presents to open on Christmas morning!  Parents leave The Manger with dignity, having selected and paid for the gifts for their children.

Thanks to the passion and vision of a member of Journey Church, The Manger will again operate this year from December 6th – December 11th. My family and I helped last year and it is an experience that none of us will ever forget. It was a privilege to offer to carry the mat for a complete stranger, even if only for a few moments.

“The words don’t always come out right
and I don’t normally cry
But you didn’t see the look in her eyes
I’ve been shaken from my head on down to my toes
Lord use me, take me where you want me to go
I can’t help it, my heart has been replaced with a face
I’m ready, these hands are dedicated to change”

Last Christmas, I saw the look in their eyes. I saw parents so appreciative of the opportunity to provide for their family despite their unfortunate financial situation. I was changed. Would you consider being a part of the change too? Even if you don’t live in Columbus you can participate in supporting The Manger. We’ve set up an online giving site to help in collecting donations. Any donation is appreciated. You can get all of the details you need for The Manger at the Journey Church page (HERE)

“Shaken” by Hawk Nelson
