The responses on facebook and twitter have been overwhelming. Literally overwhelming. I figured I would add some color to the announcement I made about the day I had today. It’s the least I can do. I thought I might also give some insight into where my head is at the moment. This whole thing is still only about 10 hours old so forgive me in advance if it’s a bit all over the place.

Don’t you hate when you have “that feeling” about something? I received an email on Monday and instantly had “that feeling”. There was nothing in the email that would have indicated what was going to go down today, was going to go down. It was simply a request to spend today at our Corporate Headquarters (AKA “the mothership”) in Indianapolis. This is nothing new. As some of you know, I’ve been commuting for months. Yet I had “that feeling” and it was 100% spot on. The cliff notes version is “$26 Million Dollars needed to be removed from the organization” and since I make just a touch under that per year, I was let go. That’s not true. I just wanted to see who was still reading.

The $26 million being removed is true though. You can only get that kind of reduction by saying goodbye to some people. It is what it is. I’ve been at this rodeo long enough to know how it goes. To date, I’ve been fortunate to make the cut. This time I was not as fortunate. I was, however, let go and not fired. What that means is there was a severance package including benefits involved. Huge, huge, huge detail there.

With a signature and date on a line, a few handshakes and goodbyes, I exited the building. In my mind I just kept sensing a reminder to “leave with grace”. I thanked those in leadership that have been very good to me for a very long time. I honestly owed them that much. These decisions are driven by a bottom line and not a personal feeling. I get that. I wouldn’t want to deliver the news they had to today. Let alone to multiple people. As I crossed the parking lot I called home to deliver the news.

Social media has provided an unbelievable amount of support and possibly even a lead or two. My family has been amazing. All three children have cried at different times. I’ve been reminded over and over and over today that he who has friends, family and life is rich beyond his wildest dreams. So blessed.

I’ve been asked a ton of questions today since airing my laundry, so I’ll do my best to answer them as of this moment.

1. What will you do now? 

Great question. I have no idea. As of 10 hours ago I was working really hard on a project for my previous employer. I just put on some Jason Aldean, leaned back in my chair and realized that for the first time in 12 years, I can do whatever I would like to with my career. That might be the coolest thing I’ve realized all day. The canvas is clean. Now I just need to lean into Gods guidance and allow Him to order my next right step.

2. What do you do?

$26 Million dollar question (just seeing who’s still reading). The best way I can answer that is by giving you MY LinkedIn Profile. I’ve been a “jack of all trades and master of none”. My last 6 years have been spent as the Director for an idea that started on a napkin and became a full blown Corporate program. To quote the great philosopher Zac Brown “It was the pleasure of my life and I cherished every time”. I spent 6 years doing what I loved to do every single day. Not many can say that. It was a blessing. Prior experience was in sales and most recent experience was the “Customer Experience Officer”. Like I said, the LinkedIn profile explains it all better.

3. What do you want to do?

Another great question. To be honest, right now, I just want to take a deep breath. It’s been a crazy 12 hours or so. My mind is filled with ideas, hopes and dreams. Nothing is off the table at the moment. Corporate America isn’t looking really appealing, but I expect that to change over the next few days. I know this much, I want to honor God. I want what I do to reflect God. I want to do the next right thing. I want to make a difference and leave whatever I do, wherever I do it, a little better than I found it. I want to do what God calls me to.

4. How can we pray for you?

Anytime I enter a season of uncertainty, I have learned to pray for two things…be obedient, be available. If you would pray that my family and I will be those two things, I would be so grateful. I have a peace beyond understanding that if I will be available to what God has “next” and obedient when I see it, the rest will all fall into place.

Thank you all. Three words never felt so shallow but know that I mean them sincerely. I am blessed. We are blessed. There is nothing in my history on this journey with God that shows a time where He didn’t provide. He’s been faithful and He will be faithful again. Thank you all for smoothing the rough spots on this day. May I do the same if I ever need to for you too.

Stay tuned…..