Call it luck, irony, art imitating life or just God’s sense of humor, but what I wrote in my last blog almost came true exactly as scripted! At 9:00, almost to the minute, we were on our way to the labor and delivery ward at the hospital.

To make a long story short, they sent us back home since it wasn’t quite time yet. The funny thing was that we pulled into the garage with 3 minutes left in the 2nd half. The game was tied 70-70. I looked at Heather and said “see, we didn’t miss anything. It’s just a 3 minute game now!”

The rest as they say is history! What a feeling, to be National Champs! All that being said, it would have been and will still be the 2nd best thing that will happen this week. Although I am thrilled about Carolina winning the title, nothing will compare to seeing our new born baby for the first time. In the mean time, I am going to savor this moment until an even greater one comes along!