I have a favor to ask of all the readers of the blog. As the time passed away with just Brynn, Heather and I, I had time to take a pause and enjoy this new beginning. So what I ask is that you remind me of this time and how I felt.

Remind me again when life gets so fast.
Remind me again when things don’t go as planned.
Remind me again to remember God’s blessings.
Remind me again that you don’t need much to melt your heart.
Remind me again how quickly time passes.
Remind me when I don’t think I have time to give to the children.
Remind me when the storms of life are raging.
Remind me when everything is going well.
Remind me when it seems like there are no answers.
Remind me when I think I might know it all.
Remind me changes take place.
Remind me as everything stays the same.
Remind me when 5 more minutes seems to long.
Remind me not to take things for granted.
Remind me not to take life to serious.
Remind me that the better other things look, the more important what you have becomes.
Remind me that God knows and is in control.
Remind me that His blessings are new each day.
Remind to remind my children.
Remind me of my wife’s sacrifice.
Remind me of her love for me.
Remind me of my family and the ones I love.
Remind me how they sacrificed to give us what we have.
Remind me of our friends they define who we are.
Remind me of my place of worship.

You see every day won’t be like today. I can’t imagine them being any better. But when they are not, you will know to remind me that they can be. I need look no further than what is resting on my shoulder.