I have always heard the phrase “Daddy’s Little Girl” but until recently never quite had a grasp on the whole concept. Oh, don’t get me wrong, I love my little girl (now girls) just as much as I love my son, but I think there comes a point when you get bitten by the “bug” and everything changes. It’s pretty amazing how God created the unique relationships between a Father/Son and Father/Daughter. Neither one is any less important than the other, they both have a way of melting even the toughest of men. I remember visiting my brother-in-law after the birth of my niece. Having already had 3 boys at home, I simply said “you know you’ll have to walk this one down the aisle”. I will never forget the look on his face when I said that. His whole composure changed. Funny how those things come back around! Now I am the one that thinks of the day when I will have to gather the strength to do that very thing myself. To quote the music group Live, “I don’t need no one to tell me about heaven. I look at my daughter and then I believe”. There are days now when I drift off in thought about my 2 girls and watching them grow. For those dad’s that have a daughter (or 2) at home, you know exactly what I speak of. If you don’t, look out! There will come a day that you didn’t even see it coming. Your fingers will be officially wrapped around the precious gift(s) you have been given. You will know what it is to have Daddy’s Little Girl!