In honor of a friend that received some tough news this week. I am posting the words to a song by Clay Walker. He said it better than I could ever try to sum it up. You and your family are in our prayers friend….

How in this world can we put a man on the moon, and still have a need for a place like St. Jude’s? And why is one man born in a place where all they know is war, and a guy like me has always been free? And how can two people who’ve built a loving home try for years and never have a child of their own?
And somewhere out there tonight there’s a baby no one’s holding tight. In need of love, to me that don’t add up.

But I wasn’t there the day you filled up the oceans. I didnt’ get to see you hang the stars in the sky. So I don’t mean to second guess you or criticize what I don’t understand. These are just a few questions I have.

Why do I feel like you’re hearing these prayers of mine? When so many outta be ahead of me in line. When you look down on me, can you see the good through all the bad? These are just a few questions I have.