OK, so it’s just an instructional T-ball league, but the little man made his Major T-ball league debut today! What a proud moment. After picking out his jersey (number 8 in your programs, number one in your heart), taking some ground ball and throwing lessons, and learning what 1st, 2nd and 3rd base were, he was ready to hit. In his first at bat, he lined a single back through the middle and promptly went to first base. They removed the ball from the game so he will always have it (not really, but it’s nice to dream). After successfully negotiating the bases, he promptly took his place in the outfield. For some unknown reason, he was drawn to the number 8 and playing the outfield. Since most of the players have not really hit their peak yet, the outfield was a rather boring place. He did have fun entertaining the other outfielders with his rendition of Star Wars. His second at bat was another strong single. It helped that there were no fielders on the bases. The next hitter hit a single and rather than going to second, he figured he would make the trip shorter by going straight to third. Not a bad idea since no one was keeping score. So his debut stat line read 2 for 2 with 2 runs scored and one proud papa in the stands! The biggest hit he had all day came when he yelled “Daddy….did you see that” from first base after his first hit. I gave the thumbs up sign, he gave it right back. It was my way of yelling, son….I wouldn’t have missed it for the world!