I sit here this morning and stare at this blinking cursor. It’s not a case of “writers block” this time. Believe it or not, today I am speechless. I received an email last night that a friend of the family learned that her cancer has returned. I find myself torn between being heartbroken for her family and confused by why bad things happen to good people. It is probably the number one question that will be asked when we all get to heaven. If God had a search engine, I imagine that this would be the most searched for item. The reason is that I don’t think anyone knows the answer. It’s not that we doubt God’s grace, our his ability to do miraculous things. It is more that we see things through our eyes and not His. To me, I want to know the answers today. I want to know how things are going to turn out. When I knew that my (then) girlfriend was “the one”, I wanted to get married right away. We had to let our courtship play out so we could have the marriage that we have today. Each time we were expecting our children, I wanted to know what we were having as soon as we could find out. I hate waiting. However, like scripture says, He makes ALL THINGS beautiful in His time. He will make this into His glory in His time too. I am reminded of the times when my kids want something so bad. They keep asking when? How long? What time? The whole time I know that I hold those answers and that it will be worth the time that they waited. I found some peace in the words of a new Natalie Grant song this morning called “Held”. She sings “This is what it is to be loved and to know that the promise was that when everything fell, we’d be held”. Lord hold this family in Your hands as Your plan is put into motion. Let them know what it means to be held.