Don’t send your cards and gifts (yet), today is not my birthday. Actually there are still about 6 weeks left until that momentous occasion. However, as we steamroll towards that halfway point to the big 4-0 (ouch), I have been reflecting on how the older I get the more some things make sense. This is just a random list of some of the things that have become more clear to me.


1. The more I understood why my dad shut off lights in rooms that no one was in. Closed doors when the Heat/AC was on and turned off dripping faucets!
2. The more the phrase “because I said so” covers every question that could possibly be asked.
3. The more it sounds like someone is popping “bubble wrap” when I get out of bed in the morning
4. The harder it is to remember what I did yesterday.
5. The more I filter what the kids are watching and what they are listening to.
6. The more I appreciate how hard my parents worked to give me everything I had.
7. The more I understand what Bob Carlisle meant in the song “Butterfly Kisses” when he said “after all that I have done wrong, I must have done something right, do deserve her hugs every morning and butterfly kisses at night”
8. The more I realize how important it is to be “equally yoked”
9. The younger I wish I was!
10. The more tattoo’s fade, earring holes close up and crazy hair cuts don’t grow back!
11. The phrases “blood pressure”, “good cholesterol” and “sensible diet” actually mean something.
12. The more I know my family physicians phone number by heart.
13. The closer I am to being a pharmacist due to my extensive knowledge of the products that you can buy in the health aisle at the drug store!
14. The more I wish I would have paid attention in school. Because there is a day that is coming when my kids will ask me to help them with their homework and I won’t have a clue what I am looking at. I am thinking somewhere around 2nd grade!
15. The greater each sunset looks, the brighter each sunrise looks.
16. The more I don’t understand why we can’t just merge in traffic rather than trying to get to the front of the line.
17. The more I miss “milk money” and lunch boxes.
18. The more the phrase “money doesn’t grow on trees” finally means something.
19. The longer I go between car washes and the more toys I find wedged between the cushions of the backseat.
20. The more suntan lotion is a staple when we go to the beach.
21. The more I appreciate our choir at church and songs of praise and worship.
22. The more I look forward to Sunday mornings
23. The more the phrase “DADDY!!!” yelled by a small child makes me weak in the knees.
24. The more I actually know what the weather is going to be and “5 day outlook” is a must have!
25. The more “morning traffic reports” actually makes me stop, pause and listen.

I don’t mean to sound doom and gloom. The point was to provide some levity today. The truth is the older I get, the more I have to reflect on. While we all have gaps of time we seem to skip over during our times of reflection, the best times are the ones that take me back, make me laugh and look forward to the older I get…