Several times over the past 6 months I have either referenced Max Lucado or used his material for blog posts. Toward the end of last week, I received an email from his weekly newsletter which featured the sermon that he was to deliver this weekend. He has made the sermon available to anyone that would like to read it or send it along to whomever they would like.

While the past 2 weeks have been confusing, overwhelming, disturbing and at times frustrating, Max Lucado has found a way to bring some kind of meaning to it all. Below are just some of the excerpts from his sermon. I will include a link to his web site as well as mine for a place to download the .pdf file for yourself. It is worth the few moments it takes to read what he has prepared.

“Raging hurricanes and broken levees have a way of prying our fingers off of the stuff that we love. What was once most precious, now means little; what we once ignored is now of eternal significance.”

“We were born with a me-first mentality. You don’t have to teach your kids to argue. They don’t have to be trained to demand their way. You don’t have to show them how to stomp their feet and pout, it is in their nature……indeed it is in all of our nature to do so.”

Links to download the entire sermon –