Our church began a new series this past weekend called “Freedom From Fear”. In some strange twist of irony, karma, or whatever, I was given a first hand analogy this morning of that very thing. As with the normal hustle and bustle of the morning, there are all sorts of yells, screams and noises coming from our home. However this morning there was one of those screams and cries that makes you think “OK…that can’t be good”. Further investigation showed that our 2 year old had fallen down the set of stairs you see in the image to the left (no, we don’t still have our Christmas lights up. Work with me here). What happened next was amazing.

I stood in the loft and watched as my little girl stood up and headed right back up the stairs. At first I thought that she was coming up to get some comfort from Daddy. That’s when she stopped at the first landing, turned around and started heading back down the very stairs she just fell from. With the tears rolling down her cheeks, each step firmly planted on the step below, she was making a statement without saying a word. We all watched in amazement. When she reached the bottom of the stairs, she turned, looked at the staircase and said “DARE” (translated THERE!). She was letting those steps and everyone in the room know that she was not going to be defeated by them or her fear of falling again. Folks, she is 2.

2 Timothy 1:7 says “For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline”. Think that fits in with what we witnessed this morning? Lord may I have that same resolve and attitude when it comes to conquering my fears. To stand up, dust myself off, climb right back up and do it over. To prove that I won’t be shaken, I won’t be defeated. After all, isn’t the way that God intended it to be?