Most that know me know that I frequently border on obsessive compulsive about certain things in my life. If you have followed this blog at all, you have seen it first hand. I think I have changed the look at least three to four times a week. I won’t even go down the path of talking about my email address changes. Anyway you look at it, I have an obsession problem. I set my sights on something and cannot let it rest. It has to be changed, over and over again, until I think its right. It is a constant cycle until its perfect or something else consumes my passion and interest. Why do I say all of this?

In case you have not noticed, I draw a lot of inspiration from music and lyrics. This morning was no different. I have heard the song “Magnificent Obsession” several times before, but this morning, I think I REALLY heard it. Steven Curtis Chapman captures the essence of what I referred to above. His statement is that his faith and his walk are to be his “Magnificent Obsession”. I clicked repeat and listened to it over and over again, almost obsessively (ha-ha). The words just kept driving the point home. “This is everything I want, this is everything I need. I want you to be my one consuming passion” Make no mistake; this was one of those “moments” that are turning points in your walk. Like this large hand is reaching down from Heaven and tapping you on the head (”hello…tap, tap, tap….McFly”).

“Cut through these chains that tie me down to so many lesser things. Let all my dreams fall to the ground until this one remains.” In other words, let’s get back to the basics. Get passed all of these things that are my current obsession and focus that energy on the one, true, magnificent obsession. When that happens, the lesser things will fall right into the priority line where they belong. So how about you? What is your passion? What is your magnificent obsession?