“Lord, if it’s your will, then I pray that you would open the doors to make it possible”. How many times have you, or someone you know prayed that simple prayer? 

When I was in College, one of my favorite television shows was “The Price is Right”. Most days I would rush back to the apartment to see if someone could win the big dollars and the “showcase showdown”. I always enjoyed the games that involved choosing between a group of doors and seeing what the choice gave you. Now imagine that you got the call to “Come On Down”! You rush the aisle, get the price right and find yourself standing next to Bob Barker on the stage. They pull the curtain on your game and you see 2 closed doors and one that is open. Inside the open door is……A NEW CAR!! Which one would you choose?

That is the predicament that I find myself in lately with my current employer. For the first time in my life, I find that I don’t have the option of saying which door I would choose. It appears that my destiny is being written for me, if I like it or not. While this track of advancement and big titles would excite most people, it’s not what I had on my personal agenda. My list of choices did not include the things that appear to be happening faster than I can respond. I literally find myself saying “but the Lord knows what I want, so certainly that is not the position he would put me in….right…..RIGHT???? Then I look down the hallway of life and see door after door after door wide open and begging me to walk right through.

I am not sure I have a point in all of this. Maybe getting it on the blog is therapy or something. Or maybe it is my way of acknowledging publicly that I see the Lord working and I am scared to death. Yet, deep down, at the very core, I find a trust and a peace to say “okay, you have never let me down in the past”. His blessings have been more than I could imagine and I am confident that they will be that way again. I just have to choose the open doors and quit knocking on the closed ones.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.” -Proverbs 3:5-6 NLT