I recently heard a song by the group “Casting Crowns” that hit pretty close to home. The line that really caught my attention was the chorus. It simply says

“Just love them like Jesus. Carry them to Him. His yoke is easy, His burden is light. You don’t need the answers to all of life’s questions. Just know that He loves them and stay by their side. Just love them like Jesus.”

For every parent of a young child, every freind of one that is unsaved, believer that helps someone in a time of need, you have probably sought the guidance of someone far greater than our understanding. As my wife and I raise the three precious gifts we have been given, we do our best to discern what is best for their lives. Yet there are times in the quiet of prayer when I seek to know what is best, what is right and what God would have me do.

Have you ever watched an unsaved friend struggle? How many times have you sat through a sermon and thought “if only (blank) was here to hear this”.

How many times have we seen another believer go through something we simply cannot explain? You struggle to find the right verse, or the right parable to make them feel better when in our own understanding, we simply cannot explain their struggle.

Now you understand why this one hit right on the money. I wish I could say I had the answers, but to me, these words are a good start.

“Love them like Jesus. Carry them to Him. His yoke is easy. His burden is light. You don’t need the answers to all of life’s questions. Just know that He loves them and stay by their side. Love them like Jesus.”