Well here it is…Monday. In Greek mythology, the great King Sisyphus was condemned to spend the rest of his life rolling a large bolder to the top of a mountain, only to see it roll back down to the bottom again. Each day he would perform the same task….for eternity.

Sounds like a Monday to me! I thought of Sisyphus yesterday as I picked up our children from the various Sunday School classes. Due to the “Christmas and Easter” crowd at church, the classrooms were overflowing with little one’s. My 3 year old had over 20 little people in her class alone! Think those volunteer’s felt like Sisyphus yesterday?

Need some other examples? How about the ones that spend each Sunday changing diapers, cleaning up “spit up” and giving bottles while we sit comfortably in our pews. Stay at home moms that have to get 3 kids to 4 places in 5 minutes. Wall Street executives that have to figure out how to make yesterdays “sell” look like tomorrow’s “buy”. Either way, no matter what your occupation or title, keep Galatians 6:9 in mind “So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.” (NLT)

If that doesn’t do the trick, just remember ol’ King Sisyphus.