“Old friends, old friends, sat on their park bench like bookends” – Simon and Garfunkle

Yesterday was one of those days that you file in your memory as a “great day”. While the day started off as normal (including the trip out of town), it quickly changed when my cell phone rang with a number I did not recognize. I answered the call and heard the voice of a friend I had not spoken with in close to 8 years. Time and distance had separated us, but the annual Christmas card has kept us in contact.

The voice of my dear friend Hershell said “Hey, I am in New Jersey and about to catch a flight to your city!” We quickly hammered out some plans (like all men do….without details) and arranged a reunion later that evening. I have always heard it said that “God sends his angels”. Yesterday, mine just happened to arrive from Texas, via New Jersey. We spent the evening squeezing 8 years into 2 and a half hours. We meet again for breakfast this morning before going our separate ways. As I drove away, I said a brief prayer to thank God for knowing what I needed, when I needed it.

Back in the 80’s a band called “Degarmo and Key” had a song called “Dear Friend”. The words were written on my heart and I have never forgotten them. I share them for my friend Hershell. Thank you for “making me a richer man, having had you in my life”. I also share it for each of you that I have the privilege and honor of calling friend. You leave impressions on my life that you don’t even know. May God send you an angel today.

Dear Friend by Degarmo and Key

Seasons changes days go by
People come and people go
Though our paths lead us apart
They will meet one day I know

For I owe you so much, dear friend
For all those treasured times
For you’ve made me a richer man
Having had you in my life