“He determines the numbers of stars and calls each one by name” (Psalm 147:4)

Am I the only person that has ever “google’d” my own name to see if there was anyone else in the world that shared it? Better yet are any of them famous? Since I had no problem reserving the domain www.aaronconrad.com, I guess that one was out of the question. I suppose I can still hold out hope that one of “us” will make it big and offer me huge ransoms of money for the domain.

Actually, I have known that there are at least 2 other “me’s” (Aaron Conrad’s that is) in the state I live in alone. One I heard about through some business contacts in his home town. Another because his credit card company kept confusing us and calling me about payment (true story). Why I bring this up is that tracking last weeks “hits” told me that I got a pretty large amount of hits from one of their locations. No particular idea why, but hey, I will take the free advertising for sure.

All of this got me to thinking that the truth in Psalm 147 is even more apparent. Do you know someone else that shares your name? Or, have you ever had anyone say “you look just like so-and-so” (forgive me for the years I enjoyed being told I looked like Vanilla Ice!). The truth is, no matter what your name or who you might look like….there is only one you. The really cool part is that, just as the stars, God knows you by name. Just as he placed each one in the sky, he placed each one of us on this earth. He knows each hair on our head (or lack there of for some of us :)).

So the next time you think about the amount of people that might share your name, remember that they are all INDIVIDUALLY important to at least one person. His opinion is the one that matters most and knew each name all along.

(Note – I am dying to know now many of you are going to leave this post and go google either your name…..or mine. You know you were thinking about trying it!)