Testerday was a day that my son and I have been anticipating for a few weeks now. I had promised him that we would go see “Superman Returns” the day that it came out and yesterday happened to be that day. I have never done a movie review on this blog, so this is a first for me. I usually like to check out movies at www.pluggedinonline.com before seeing them, but we simply couldn’t wait. So we forged ahead!
To be completely honest, I was a little unsure of taking a 5 year old to see a PG-13 rated movie. All of the reviews that I followed didn’t say anything about what the PG-13 was granted for, so we took a risk and went. I can tell you that I am still wondering why this film was given that rating. If it was for violence, I have seen worse on a majority of the television shows that are out now. This is a GREAT film. There is something pretty neat about sharing the same movies and heroes with your son as you had growing up (Spider man, Star Wars, Superman and Zorro). It’s like reliving the past, while living in the present with his excitement.

The movie itself is wonderfully done. There are elements of the old Superman films yet the effects are believable and amazing. For a real movie critis review, I again refer to www.pluggeninonline.com for their review. They write much better than I do. I especially like their review of the spiritual content of the film. There is no missing that parts of the movie have a certain spiritual overtone. I see it as an excellent tool for explaining that although Superman is not real, Jesus was. Just as his father sent him to the earth to save the people, Christ came to earth to save us from our sins. While Superman maybe able to stop a bullet, Jesus saved us from our sins and an eternity separated from God.

So as the holiday weekend movie rush approaches, I highly recommend seeing “Superman Returns”. I am no movie critic, but overall, I give this one 2 super thumbs up.