“Someone left the cake out in the rain. I don’t think that I can take it, because it took so long to bake it and I’ll never have that recipe again!” (“MacArthur Park” – Donna Summer”)

So how was your 4th of July? We awoke to the sound of rain beating down outside. Just as I was about to catch a few more minutes of sleep, I heard the sound of a large pick up truck backing into our driveway. Within moments, the voices of little children filled the garage as we prepped for the parade. Yes, it was STILL raining. As the procession started at 10:00 am, the rain stopped and the skies cleared. No sooner did we pull into the final destination, the rain started again. We made it through without a drop and the kids had a great time. Disaster number one avoided.

The rain continued most of the afternoon, until we began the prep work for the cookout we were hosting. Sure as I used a Donna Summer reference (have been dying to do that), the rain held on long enough for cookouts, fellowship and fun. Outside of some collateral damage in the sandbox, none of the 21 children were injured and the adults were able to enjoy the time together. Then the lightning came and we were forced to move the party indoors. Before you ask…no one left the cake out in the rain and I didn’t bake it anyway!

All joking aside, that was one of the more fascinating events of the day. With the skies threatening, the announcement was made that we better get indoors. Through the help of everyone at the party, within moments, the entire backyard was cleared. It didn’t even look like there had been a cookout! Someone even “removed” the ants from the patio with some help from a garden hose. No detail was missed. Disaster number two avoided.

I couldn’t help but think how this is all some analogy for the way that community is so crucial to our faith. Each person doing a little bit (cooking, preparing, sharing, lifting, cleaning, babysitting) makes the entire day enjoyable for all. Yet for one person to try it all is discouraging and exhausting. We so desperately need eachother to share burdens, joys, victories and defeats. We need others to come along side when the rain comes and then rejoice with when the sun is shining. Within a community of people, you can rest assured that someone will never leave the “cake out in the rain”, even if you didn’t make it.