During some recent quiet time, I was reading Matthew 4 where Jesus is led into the wilderness to be tempted by Satan. After a series of unsuccessful temptations, Christ says “Away from me, Satan!” (Matthew 4:10). Then comes the verse that really struck me, verse 11. “Then the devil went away, and the angels came and took care of Jesus.” (NLT).

Although I have read this story multiple times, or heard someone preach on the temptations we will face, that last verse really caught my eye. There is no doubt that we will face times “in the wilderness” where we are tempted. Christ provided the ultimate example of the ways in which we should respond to such temptation. Regardless of how we fared in such trials, I firmly believe that God still sends His angels. They may not come in the form that we are familiar with from paintings and books, but they still come to “take care of us”.

Have you every gotten a phone call or email from someone at just the right time? Have you ever wondered how kind words from a friend could be said at such an appropriate time? Often when we are in the “wilderness” true friends can see the struggle without knowing the battle. Often, a prompting by the Spirit will lead them to extend a hand, lend an ear, or simply just let you know that they are thinking of you. It is in those moments that I believe that God is sending His angels. So the next time you, or someone you know, is facing the wilderness of struggle and temptation, remember that you may be the angel that God has sent to take care of them. You could also be the one that God has sent an “angel” to take care of.