cake.jpgWhat a sobering day today is. The thought hit me just a few weeks ago of the pending doom which was lurking on July 28th. When we are younger, we look so forward to the time when we are 18 years old. We are officially considered a legal adult. When the alarm clock went off this morning, I have officially lived to be 18 years old……twice. Ouch. I have lived the life of 2 adults. The funny part is that most of those 36 years have been spent acting like a child.

The best I can say about what I have learned the past 36 years comes directly from the Country Western group Brooks and Dunn: “I raise my hands, bow my head, I’m finding more and more truth in the words written in red. They tell me that there’s more to life than just what I can see. Oh, I believe.” There is real truth in the words written in red. There is also real truth written in the Psalms and in Proverbs. The Bible is rich with truth and guidance for a life lived with the goal of “Well done my good and faithful servant”.

So how about the next 36? While we were on vacation last week, we did a little shopping. In one of the stores there was a plaque that simply read “Dance Like No One’s Watching”. I should have purchased it right there on the spot. I did not, so I decided rather than driving all the way back to OBX to purchase it, I would find it on the internet. I did, and my friends at UPS should be delivering it any day now. How do I want to live the next 36 years of my life? The 3 statements below outline a pretty nice start.

Work Like you Don’t Need the Money,

Love Like You have Never Been Hurt,

And Dance Like No One’s Watching.