cinderellaman.jpgOkay, so when you have children, dinner and a movie is generally classified by nuggets and fries from the freezer and a DVD from the library. Talk about an evening on the town! Nothing but the best for my girl. I won’t even talk about how our DVD player overheated and we had to watch the 2nd half of the movie huddled around my laptop. Really fun when the DVD is wide screen and the laptop is a 15″ display. But I digress…..First off, I don’t want to take anything away from my friend Clay and his great post about the movie “Cinderella Man”. I highly recommend checking out that post here.  Based on his post, I figured when I found the movie at the local library, I would give it a shot. Great movie. Great post. Great message. Clay summed it up perfectly and captured all of the high points. There was one moment that really stood out to me. Especially having such a strong connection with the book “Wild at Heart” by John Eldredge. Boy, if at the end of the day all of our wives could give a speech like this, men, we would be on the right track.

and his great post about the movie “Cinderella Man”. I highly recommend checking out that post .  Based on his post, I figured when I found the movie at the local library, I would give it a shot. Great movie. Great post. Great message. Clay summed it up perfectly and captured all of the high points. There was one moment that really stood out to me. Especially having such a strong connection with the book “Wild at Heart” by John Eldredge. Boy, if at the end of the day all of our wives could give a speech like this, men, we would be on the right track. 

Mae Braddock (Renee Zellwegger) – “Maybe I understand, some, about having to fight. So you just remember who you are… you’re the Bulldog of Bergen, and the Pride of New Jersey, you’re everybody’s hope, and the kids’ hero, and you are the champion of my heart, James J. Braddock.”

Sure does sound an awful lot like the 3 things every man needs as listed in “Wild at Heart” (a battle to fight, a beauty to rescue and an adventure to live). I would say that James J. Braddock got all three. I guess it would be my mission that at the end of this life, they say I did too.