For some reason, God has laid on my heart the story of the 10 men with Leprosy (Luke 17:11-17) the past few days. Originally, I thought maybe it was a challenge to ask if I would have been the one that returned. If you remember, Jesus healed 10 men that day. Only one returned to praise his name (Luke 17:15). To the one that returned, Christ said “Your faith has made you well”. One of the commentaries I read said that this could have meant that, not only had he been healed, but by returning, his salvation was guaranteed. (NIV Study Bible)

Last night, a dear friend and mentor to me gave me a copy of chapter 7 from the book “Starving Jesus”. As you might have seen in the sidebar, I have had a link to the site for a while now. I have to say that the more I read, hear and study these guys, the more I am challenged to “get out of the pew”. This is no Max Lucado study. This is not a Billy Graham crusade. They are edgy, over-the-top and self proclaimed “anything short of sin” missionaries for Jesus Christ. Many question their motives. But at the end of the day, are they like that one? After reading chapter 7 of the book, I believe they are.

Since diving into the blogging world, I have had the constant internal debate about putting something on the site. I have sites up on Xanga, MSN and Yahoo that simply point back to this blog. I wanted a presence there, without using their services. Yet I have stopped short of using to do the same thing. The debate for me is if a blog there would be “light” or if I am supporting something I am strongly against. has it’s share of issues and I have, to this point, decided to not put myself, or my blog in a position where it could be questioned. Let’s call it lessons learned.

Our Pastor yesterday preached about taking Jesus into the marketplace. It would be my mission that somehow this blog is just that. The Myspace debate is not settled yet, but the message of Luke 17 and Starving Jesus is clear. We must “do everything short of sin” to take Jesus to the world. I believe when we do, we are (like the one) returning to praise his name. May I be like that one…..

You can read the first chapter of Starving Jesus at their web site or by downloading the .pdf here. You can also hear an interview with one of the authors at the Godsmac Podcast site. Episode #4