While this Blog may never bring me fortune or fame (that is not the intent by the way), the friendships and connections it has created are far richer. Here is a quick example:

About 6 weeks ago, one of the blog faithful, Mark, helped me acquire (buy) a 30GB Black iPod. I didn’t realize just how very cool this product was until I discovered the “Podcast”. If you are not familiar, this is NOT what you get for a broken iPod (get it…?), it is one of the newest and coolest ways to hear from people all over the web. Churches, musicians, bloggers and authors are all taking advantage of this technology. I subscribe to several and when I sync the iPod, I get that latest and greatest sermons from all over the USA. Very cool for the long drives in the company issued vehicle.

It was in the midst of all of my podcast excitement that another blog faithful reader, Krysty, sent me the link to Gabe Taviano’s web site. Within a few days of contacting Gabe, we “took a meeting” (as they say) over some hot wings. It was there that we discussed our various ministry projects and heart for using the web as a ministry tool. Folks, let me tell you that I fully support his ministry. He is the real deal and has a huge heart for spreading the gospel through the world of technology. I am just sorry it took me a month to get the word out about his site and the podcasts.

God’s Mac Podcasts break down into 3 sections. Technology – Meets – Eternity. Section one covers some new technology you will be interested in. Section two features an interview with various people (for example, one of the authors from “Starving Jesus”). Finally, section three is a discussion about eternity. All together they run about an hour and are worth every minute. He has weekly contests, exciting guests and a great message. It’s not too late to join before this weeks podcast featuring one of the OSU Buckeyes Basketball Players, Jamar Butler.

Go to www.Godsmac.com to sign up and be a part. Thanks also to Gabe for giving me some publicity on the “Blogs” section of “Friends of God’s Mac”. It’s an honor to be there. Keep up the great work brother!