The following story is 100% accurate, true and in no way made up. I must also say that it involves my 6 year old son, who just started kindergarten and is just now learning to read. The stage is now officially set.

Last night I was working in my office and the older two kids were upstairs playing on the computer. The house is networked, so all printing ends up coming out of my all-in-one in the office. Sure enough, it kicked on and began to spit out a picture. Knowing I did not click print, I was interested to see what would appear. Then came the sound of 4 little running feet…and giggles.

By the time said object had completed it’s printing, they were front and center to admire their handiwork. Sure enough, they successfully had printed a picture from the Internet of his favorite Star Wars character. I suddenly was VERY interested in how this happened. To which my little Bill Gates replied “I Gmailed it”.

Me: “What”

Mini Me: “I Gmailed it”

Me: “You mean Googled it”

Mini Me: “Yeah, I Googled it”

Next up was a trip upstairs to see exactly how he did this. He promptly showed me how he clicked on the icon, “clicked in the box”, used a Star Wars sticker sheet he had to type letters into the box (starwars as one word mind you),  “then I pressed enter”. He then picked a result, printed and there you have it.

The best part of the story is the close. After saying our prayers each night, we share one thing we are thankful for. Mini me said he couldn’t think of anything. I said “you can’t think of anything?'” Then he said…”oh, I’ve got one…..”

You guessed it….


And a child shall lead them!