halloweenghostboobag.gifI am not sure if your neighborhood is like ours, but we recently got “boo’d” twice in one night! Being “boo’d” is an honor actually. Someone will knock on your door and leave a goodie bag and a note which you must then copy and return the favor to three other people. You also put the letter on your door so everyone knows that you have been “boo’d”. It’s kinda like a chain letter, reverse trick-or-treat kinda thing. It’s fun and the kids love it. So what does this have to do with anything? Let me explain.

We were going to do our neighborhood duty yesterday. The kids and I made some Halloween cookies, and combined them with what my wife had already put together as a nice “boo bag”. I then thought that it might be a nice idea to drop a couple of those OSU Athletes in Action DVD’s in there too. Why not wrap it in the track for the upcoming event at St. Johns Arena for AIA too! I’m sure our neighbors love the Buckeyes. That’s when it all started. It was so easy up to this point. Now it was time to deliver, even though it was anonymous, I was scared to death.

“But the Lord God called to Man…’where are you’?” (Genesis 3:9). We all remember Adam’s reply. While I did have clothes on, I hid. We didn’t deliver the packages. It was easier to say “let’s wait until it’s dark” and “maybe we should wait until tomorrow”. Our Boo packages are still sitting in the kitchen, ready to go while I hide for fear the neighbors will think differently about me if they know I gave them something “religious”. Nice.

I just laid down to bed and really felt the conviction on my heart. The conversation in my head basically said “it’s real easy to start a web site, make blog posts and say nice things behind a keyboard. Brother, like Adam, you are hiding.” Don’t you love those moments? Ugh. Maybe this post is the confession I need to get back to bed now. Delivering the boo packages will be the next step.