I for one was pretty glad to turn the page on October and welcome in the month of November. The first reason was actually one day early, but that’s okay. Jeremy Camp’s new CD “Beyond Measure” was released on Tuesday. You can bet it’s been locked and loaded into the iPOD. I am sure there will be future posts featuring a song or two.

Reason number two was obviously THE interview which took place yesterday. Still waiting on the decision, but just to get it over with was a huge, huge relief.

Reason number three takes place this evening when I make a fool of myself at the Mercyme concert! In case you missed it, I sorta like Mercyme. I cannot tell you how much I have looked forward to this concert. We went ahead and splurged for floor seats to make it the ultimate experience. Although I don’t know that I will need a seat as I am sure I will be on my feet singing at the top of my lungs for a majority of the show. This has been my finish line for a whole lot of “stuff” the past several weeks. I am gonna enjoy this one tonight.

Last but not least is the upcoming release of the new Max Lucado book “Facing Your Giants”. How can this not be great? Take one of my favorite authors, add in the topic of one of my favorite biblical heroes David and you have yourself a great book! Here is just one quote from the book:

God saw what no one else saw: a God-seeking heart. Others measure your waist size or wallet. Not God. He examines hearts. When he finds one set on him, he calls it and claims it.

As you can see, it’s only the 2nd and this has already been a sweet November.