Tonight was the first of what is sure to be many “Parent-Teacher Conferences”. Now before you think “the boy” did something wrong, all of the parents were scheduled for their 20 minutes with the teachers. After waiting in the hallway for our turn, my wife and I entered the room and quickly took our seats at the miniature table with his team teachers. Although it was hard to hear with my knees positioned somewhere near my ears due to the small chairs, I am happy to report that he is doing just fine.

I’d be lying if I didn’t admit a bit of apprehension as I looked across the table to see the folder with his name on it. “What’s in that thing” I thought to myself. “What are these two nice ladies that we have entrusted the education of our first born going to tell me about what happens from the time we drop him off, until he comes home at night? It was like my years of “just getting by” in school were rushing before my eyes.

As to not sound like a proud parent, I will skip all of the details. I will however say that I was completely proud of my little man. Not just for the academic things that they shared, but for the social items which were sprinkled in as well. That would be one of the many wishes I have for all of my children, balance. As I was reflecting tonight, I thought back to our car ride over to the school this morning (you didn’t expect me to walk when it was cold did you?). I close with the words that were on the radio by Rascal Flatts. For this is also “my wish”

My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to.

Your dreams stay big, your worries stay small.

You never need to carry more than you can hold.

And while you’re out there getting where you’re getting to

I hope you know somebody loves you

And wants the same thing too

Yeah this, is my wish.

I’m proud of you buddy. Not just for what two teachers told me, but for who you are, who you will become and that I get to be there to see it all!