I don’t know if they still do this, but when I was in grade school we used to do something called a “Walking Book Report”. Basically you would read a book, usually an autobiography, and then get dressed up as the main character. You would stand in front of the class and give a speech about the book you read.

I happened to choose Evil Knieval as my book report. My parents created an incredible costume out of baseball pants, a turtle neck and a cape with the big, stared number one on the back. It was very cool. Still have the cape and wear it when I ride my bike on the weekends. Okay, I don’t still wear it, but I do still have the cape.

When I read the topic of the upcoming Max Lucado book a few months ago, I was thrilled. Over the years, I have become fascinated by King David. There is a real connectivity with his life, his failures, his victories, his mistakes and his chase that energize me. To have one of my favorite authors write a book about him is more than a guy could ask for. Having just powered my way through it, I can tell you that it did not disappoint.

I was somewhat disappointed in Max Lucado’s last book, “Cure for the Common Life”. It wasn’t all that bad, I think I might have had huge expectations. I can’t say that I didn’t have the same for this one. Max delivers again and does it with his signature style. If you are looking for a book for your Christmas list this year, I highly recommend “Facing Your Giants”.

Now back to the walking book report. As I finished reading the book, I was reminded how at times, my life has been a walking book report for David. While I’ve never been a shepherd, killed a giant, been in battle, been a king, or hid in caves, there are analogies which can be drawn to what each of us face and battle every day. We win. We lose. We are taunted by “giants” in our life. We run. We hide. We lead and we are led. We fail. We try to cover our failure. We make it worse. Yet there is a God that considers us close to his heart. I close with the first words inside the book. May we all approach our “giants” in the same way.

“As Goliath moved closer to attack, David quickly ran out to meet him.” (1 Samuel 17:48)