The Gross National Debt

I recently started reading “What’s So Amazing about Grace” by Phillip Yancey. It’s another keeper. The truth is that it is a bit hard to understand. It’s not Yancey’s fault. It simply is the fact that we have no way to really get our head around God’s grace. It goes against everything we understand and know. He has pulled several parables from the bible to attempt to show how Christ was doing his best to explain it as well (the lost coin, prodigal son, the one sheep).

As I was reading, I thought of the National Debt of our country. Imagine for a moment, that if all these people with which this tremendous debt is owed, said “never mind” or “your debt has been paid in full”. Even as the counter still continues to climb, the grace wouldn’t end. It would not be a pass to keep incurring debt. It would however be unspeakable love and grace. Now imagine if someone paid your “eternal debt”. Guess what, someone has. 

Now THAT is amazing grace!