Several months ago a friend and I were discussing, among other things, worship music. The discussion ranged from our eager anticipating of a new worship leader joining our church, to singers like Chris Tomlin. Then came a question which I have pondered for weeks now. He simply said “do you think God will have him (Chris Tomlin) lead worship when we get to heaven?” At first I kinda laughed it off. Yet that question has just resonated with me.

When I think of the many exciting things that await us in heaven, the music is one thing that stands out to me. If you have ever been moved by a Sunday morning choir, then you know what I am talking about. Now, just imagine if God tapped Chris Tomlin on the shoulder, handed him the baton and said “why don’t you lead this one”. Maybe He would even say “could you do that one I inspired you to write for me”.

I recently read this article in Time Magazine about Chris. I was reminded of how much he understands his spiritual gifts. He has taken those gifts and provided churches with songs that offer praise and adoration to the one that is worthy. I don’t know if God will have Chris Tomlin lead worship in heaven one day, but I like to think this might be the one that he leads off the set with.

“You Do All Things Well” by Chris Tomlin from the CD “Arriving”