pacers.jpgAs I mentioned in an earlier post, I am currently in Indianapolis. I have always liked this city. Not only because it is where my employer is based, but there is something special that happens each time I am here. I thought going to the final four was pretty cool, but last night was amazing.

I did get the opportunity to meet Larry Bird. Suprisingly he was not as tall as I thought.  Yet, that was not the coolest part of the evening. The event for our customers included tickets to our club suites at the Pacers game. We also had a drawing for 2 sets of fifth row seats. I am happy to report that both sets were won by two different customers of mine. One of them was kind enough to let me sit in the seats with him as well. I only sat there for the 3rd period since I was technically “working”. It was still awesome.

get.jpgAs if that was not cool enough, you will never guess who the halftime entertainment was? Dave the Horn Guy! I had recognized him from the guys over at I know my customers thought I was a bit crazy, but I was excited about seeing this guy! I had no idea he was going to be there. Now this is where it gets REALLY weird. This is almost too hard to believe.

After halftime was over, I figured I would check my email on my cell phone. Much to my suprise, there was an email from Blaine Hogan who is ALSO one of the guys from Starving Jesus. It seems he had seen that I blogged about the book and their tour a while ago and he wanted to let me know that their DVD is now available. I almost dropped my phone. Not only did he find this crazy blog somehow, but he took the time to drop me an email and let me know about their new DVD. How cool and weird is that?

So, to my earlier point in the “Bird Watching” post, meeting Larry Bird was pretty neat. Yet what excited me more last night was somehow being loosely connected with 2 of the guys from Starving Jesus. It’s an evening I won’t forget for a long, long time. Also, check out the DVD if you get the chance.


I responded to Blaine’s email and thanked him for the information. I also asked him for a version of the Starving Jesus film on his site to add to this blog. He kindly sent me the link. Below is a pretty powerful short film. Enjoy.
