ultrasound.jpgI had this thought this morning. The angel that visited Mary that day had to have been one of the earliest ultrasound’s of all time. Think about it, she was informed that, not only was she with child, but she got to know the gender and name as well. Oh, and by the way, “he will be great and will be called Son of the Most High” (Luke 1:32). Yikes. Talk about a lot of information!!

Much has been made of Mary’s thoughts at that moment. For good reason. But what struck me this morning, is that believers still receive a similar “ultrasound” at times in their journey. We don’t see angels and certainly are not informed of the news that Mary received, but I believe that God still speaks to each of us. Through the Holy Spirit, there are times in our walk when we are prompted on Gods call for our lives. He wired each of us a certain way. He gave each one a specific gift for His greater purpose.

Like Mary, it becomes our responsibility, no matter what the call, to do what He calls us to do. So how about it? Have you received an ultrasound from God, prompting you to do something for him? Have you sensed him calling you to something? As you hear the story this Christmas season, take a moment and think about what God is calling you to do. Like Mary, no matter what the cost, accept the call. You never know what He might be up to.