halle_berry.jpgI got tagged! I had seen a little bit of this going around lately, but had not officially been hit yet. What an honor from my friend David Neal. With the move to WordPress.com, I have had the distinct privilege of meeting several new blogging friends. So some of this might not be news to the faithful followers of InLeftfield over the past few years. So with that, I give you the 5 things you don’t know about me…

1. I was born in an igloo in Anchorage, Alaska. Okay, I made the igloo part up, but I felt like I had to start off with a bang! The Alaska part is true though.

2. I am totally color blind. Contrary to popular belief I can see colors and not just black and white. It is shade of blue, green, red and brown primarily. I have purchased more then one purple article of clothing I thought was blue!

3. In 1995 I threw out the ceremonial first pitch on opening day at Jacobs Field in Cleveland Ohio. I won a radio contest based on poems about my nephew Aaron that was enough to seal the deal! The Tribe won 100 games that year and went to the World Series. I like to think it was all based on the first pitch. Bill Clinton threw it out the year before that, so I have that going for me…

4. I have a “Trinity Knot” tattoo on my right bicep. Long story behind why it’s there, but it reminds me of 2 things. First it is a constant reminder of the Holy Spirit and the 3-in-one at work in my life. Secondly, it reminds me of my three children. Contrary to popular belief, it is NOT the recycling symbol, or the AOL logo.

5. I briefly dated Halle Berry. Okay, that isn’t true either. I thought I would go for a big finish though. The truth is that I attended the same high school as Halle Berry growing up. She was about 4 years ahead of me, so I missed her by a year. But we did walk the same “hallowed halls” of Bedford High School.

So there you have it. Now I have to pass the torch. I am tagging the following:

Clay Burkle


Brian Ford

Mike Crawford


The Epiphany

Christianity in High Heels
