Where is your place? Where in this crazy world do you go to be who you really are? When things get bad, who do you call? When things are great, do you call the same people? Where does “everybody know your name”?

I met a new customer last week and we wrapped up our business right around the lunch hour. He kindly asked me if I would join him for lunch, so I gladly accepted. We were riding in his car when he announced that we would be dining at the local Elks club. Since I had never set foot in an Elks club, I was not 100% sure what I was getting myself into, but I figured it beat the local drive thru and yet another meal behind the wheel.

When we entered said club, I was intrigued by what I found. To put it simply, this was his community. This is where he met with his friends, and the people that he does life together with. They shared stories, made plans, even offered to help one another with things they were dealing with. Afterwards, he told me how one of the women we met had lost her husband a few years ago and how they have all helped her through it. I couldn’t help but think that one key element was missing.

“Cheers”, “Friends”, “Seinfeld”, and all of the other shows were great to watch. They were perfect examples of community but all lacked that one true element. When groups come together, in a Christ centered community, nothing can replace it. There is no storm too large, no win too big, no event that can replace sharing life as God designed it. Throughout scripture, we are shown examples of what this is to look like. We all need community. We all need Christ centered friends to share this life with. Each of us needs a place where we can be who we are and people love us anyway. Where we take off the mask and allow others to know us. To know more then just our name.